How do I make the best use of links from other websites?

Question - In part two of your email mini course, you mention linking strategies. Is it simply something about links to other things in the body copy or something else I've missed?

Answer - The lesson about linking is about having as many other website owners as possible link to your site from their website.

The more incoming links your site has from other related, quality websites, the more important the search engines will consider it to be, so they'll rank your site higher than others with fewer incoming links.

If your site has lots of incoming links from other sites, it is seen as an authority on that topic which means that Google, Yahoo and the others will want to rank it highly to provide their visitors (who are the search engine's customers) search queries the best possible, most relevant search results for the words they searched for.

It's not about links out to merchants or other pages on your site. 

If you download and read the book Make Your Links Work I mentioned in that article it will all be explained in lots more detail.

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