What do you think of my multiple
website plan?

Question - I am thinking that maybe I could set up several sites (with various themes and obviously different products), hopefully make some useful cash doing this, but ultimately aim to produce either software or e-books myself, thus building up the 'income streams'. 

Would you say that was a reasonable plan?

Answer - Your plan sounds good, several sites on different topics is a good way to go. 

Another way is to build several sites around one concept or theme and niche them right down so each ranks well, then link them together. For example, Dogs is the market, and you could build sites on -

  • Dog training

  • Dog shows

  • Dog jewellery

  • Dog clothing

  • Dog breeders

  • Dog fencing

  • Dog careers

...and so on. Or you could have just one big master site and include all of these topics in one place.

Solo Build It gives you lots of information on niches and products, but you still have to put it all together, so it's no walk in the park (but it is the best way I've found for new people to get started).

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