With Solo Build It, what additional expenses must be provided for?

Question - I have a local service business I'd like to promote online. Once I've bought the Solo Build It package, what additional expenses must be provided for?

Answer - The other things you'd probably need to budget for are advertising through Google Adwords www.adwords.google.com/select and maybe some of the other pay per click search engines (don't worry if you don't know what that means, you will soon ;-).

The Solo Build It software plus this is about all you really need to start. 

You can take it a lot further with your education once you know the basics, but lots of people make a good living never doing any more than this, especially if their site is designed to generate leads for a real business like yours is (rather than a purely online affiliate based business like most people have).

To make the most of your site, it would also pay to write some articles and submit them to article directories. This doesn't cost money, but it does take time. 

It is a high leverage strategy though as other people take these articles for content for their own websites and use them with a link to your site at the bottom, which drives traffic to your site for you.

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