How many times do you typically follow up on a customer before you give up and move on?

Rocky TapscottProfessional salespeople know that probably only 10% of their prospects will  make a purchase the first time that they approach them, but with follow up and persistence, up to 90% of the people they approach will eventually buy from them.

They know that the big money is in the follow up, not in the initial contact. They know that it takes time to build a relationship with their prospects before the majority of them will be ready to take the next step and buy whatever it is that they are selling

So if this is how professional sales people plan their activities, then maybe that is what we should all be doing.

In this article, entitled Follow Up For Success, Charlie Page takes you step by step through the process of placing an effective ezine advertising campaign. But the lessons can be applied to any marketing you do. Never fail to follow up, follow up, then follow up some more.

Your bank balance will certainly reflect it...

Let's say that you have written a great ad and found just the perfect ezines in which to place your ad by dipping into the rich resources of the Directory of Ezines.

Your ad is set. You have found the most cost-effective places to run your ad. Now what?

Now it's time to be ready to take advantage of the responses that come in.

Just one Ad is never enough...

Did you know that over half of the people who respond to any ad will not buy the first time? 

In fact, research has shown that it can take an average of seven contacts before a person buys from you. This means you need a plan to capture those sales which otherwise would be lost.

To maximize the profit potential from each ad you run, use this five-step formula to create a super charged follow up system.

1. Plan to send each prospect a series of seven messages. These messages can be sent at any interval you like, but covering all seven messages within two weeks is usually accepted as the longest time frame to use.

2. Write your introduction and summary messages first. You don't have to be a great writer to pull this off, just write these messages like you would tell someone about your product.

In the introduction and summary, focus on the big picture of how your product or service benefits the prospect. Remember, people buy what your product will do FOR THEM, not only what it will do.

3. Take a sheet of paper and write out the five top reasons to buy your product. Once you have those, write out a benefit statement for each one.

Here's a benefit statement for the DOE to use as an example

Clients will SAVE TIME AND MONEY with the Directory of Ezines because they can access a huge database that lists all the details they need to make a smart decision about buying advertising.

In this example accessing the huge database is the feature, but saving time and money is the benefit.

4. Write one message about each of the five benefits you listed. This message does NOT need to be long to be powerful. In fact, this is one case where shorter can be better.

Make the entire message about how the client will gain this benefit from using your product. Add testimonials from people who have enjoyed this benefit if you have them.

5. Ask for the order in every message!! Don't forget this important step! Your prospect needs to not only hear your selling message an average of seven times, but they also need to hear you ask for the order every time.

At the end of each message ask the prospect if they would like to have the benefit you just described. Assume they will say yes and then immediately show them how easy it is to get it by adding a link to your order page.

Whether you keep up with those who respond in your email program or use an autoresponder to do it, following up will skyrocket your Return on Investment (ROI) for each ad you run.

Take that extra money and buy more ads, which create more sales, and soon you will have a powerful marketing system that will allow you to reach your goals.

Charlie Page is a copywriter who owns the Directory of Ezines and the Directory of Marketing. If you want to sell more online, visit Charlie today at

Sound advice, as always. By following up on your customers in all of your communications, you will multiply your effectiveness and your's just that simple. To learn more about how Charlie can help you with your online and offline marketing, visit him at

And remember, always call your customer back on the phone to make sure you've answered their questions fully, always answer their email questions, always call back in person and see them - which ever way you conduct your Business, persistently follow up and your Business will never look back.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Until next time,



Local Web Solutions

P.S. If you would like to read more articles like this one, then there are many to choose from here.

Webmasters and Ezine Publishers - While this document is Copyright, please feel free to take it and use it on your  website or in your newsletter autoresponder as long as you leave it intact (you can take out the sponsor message and the newsletter subscription information of course) and you put the following resource box at the end of it - 

Rocky Tapscott is a former SBI Certified Webmaster and Website Traffic Conversion Expert who offers a free Report on Traffic Conversion Strategies For Maximizing Your Website's Profits. You can get free instant access to his Report at 

End of Resource Box - Thanks and best wishes

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